Privacy Policy

Walls is committed to respecting your privacy and also to protecting it. To that end, we draw your attention to this Privacy Notice, which provides information about our Privacy Policy, practices and choices you may make about how we collect information “online” and how that information may be used. This “website” is governed by the laws of Portugal. The Portuguese courts will have exclusive jurisdiction over any dispute arising from the use of this website.

1. Data collected automatically

​The domains and IP addresses of visitors are automatically registered. This information does not identify the user, but only the computer used to access the site. This data is analyzed globally to verify where in the world the site is being used, in order to ensure its coverage and to allow our service to the user to be improved. The personal data of each user are not collected and analyzed in this process.

2. Cookies

​To collect the information referred to in point 1, temporary "cookies" may be used that will remain in the "cookies" file of the user's browser until it is closed. The "cookies" alone do not serve to identify the user. The "cookie" is a small piece of information sent to the user's server and stored on the hard drive of your computer, not causing any damage to it. The user may program his browser to be notified whenever he receives a "cookie", so that he can choose to accept or reject it. The user's IP address is used to help diagnose problems with your server and to administer the website. The IP address is a numerical code that identifies a computer on the network/Internet. The user's IP address is also used to collect demographic information. For more detailed information about our cookie policy, see here

3. Entity responsible for data processing

​The entity responsible for collecting and processing personal data is Walls, owner and owner of the website and the Walls brand, with a commercial space, site; Rua Doutor Leão de Meireles 205RC, 4590-587 Paços de Ferreira. The entity identified above is the one who provides the service to you and who, in the context, decides, always acting in accordance with the legislation of the RGPD, which data is collected, which means of processing the data and for what purposes they are used, which are expressed below.

4. Collection and processing of personal data and its purpose

​This Privacy Policy regulates the collection of personal data and its subsequent processing, as well as the exercise of its holder's rights under the General Protection Regulation of Data (GDPR). The data collected will be processed and stored electronically by the entity that owns and owns the website, which is also responsible for data processing. These data will be treated confidentially and will be used for the purposes of; scheduling a visit to the physical space by the owner to enjoy the services promoted on the website, to disseminate institutional information, make known campaigns, promotions, advertising, to send orders and/or sample products, product news and/or services related to Walls sent by regular mail or electronic mail (e-mail). The processing of the data collected is necessary for the continuation of the main and ancillary activities, by internal and external collaborators and third parties that are involved in the direct or indirect activity of Walls and their responsible.

5.Retention time of personal data

​The period of time during which the data are stored and preserved varies according to the purpose for which the information is processed Effectively, there are legal requirements that oblige the retention of the data for a minimum period of time. Thus, and whenever there is no specific legal requirement, the data will be stored and kept only for the minimum period necessary for the purposes that motivated their collection or their subsequent processing, after which they will be eliminated.

6. Access, rectify or oppose the processing of personal data

​Under the terms of applicable legislation, the Personal Data Protection Law is guaranteed to the holder of personal data, who may request, in their own right, access to their data. personal data and at any time for your, update, correction, rectification, suspension and elimination of data concerning you, or to oppose its treatment, as well as exercise the right of portability, for this you must express your will in writing. sending a letter by registered letter with AR through (CTT) to: Walls, Rua Doutor Leão de Meireles 205RC, 4590-587 Paços de Ferreira or by email (e-mail): If the data subject understands that the processing of personal data concerning him violates the rules of the RGPD, he may file a complaint/complaint with the National Control Authority, through the available means of the CNPD - National Commission for Data Protection, through the website:

7. Privacy compliance/compliance

​This privacy policy regulates the collection and subsequent processing of personal data collected from its holder as well as the exercise of their rights under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) ). Data protection legislation is subject to review, so we recommend that the user regularly consult our privacy statement.

8. Hyperlinks (redirect navigation to other websites)

​The website may include “links” to other external websites for your convenience and information. By accessing these “links”, you will leave the website and be redirected to these external websites, therefore, Walls does not control these websites or their privacy policies, which may be different from Walls. Walls does not endorse or represent these websites and assumes full disclaimer of any liability in this regard. The Declaration and/or Privacy Policy of Walls does not cover the possible transfer of personal data provided by the user to websites external to Walls. We recommend that you view, or review the privacy policies of, websites to which you may be redirected via “links” before submitting your personal information to those websites. Some companies/entities outside Walls (business partners or not) may choose to share their personal information with Walls, and others, so this sharing will be governed by the privacy policy of that company/entity.

9. Security

​The website uses security measures at a technical and organizational level to protect against manipulation, loss, destruction and unauthorized access to the data granted and managed by the entity that holds and owns the website and the Walls brand. The security measures adopted are constantly optimized, according to the latest technological advances.

10. Changes

​Walls reserves the right to occasionally update its privacy policy. Whenever the privacy policy changes, we will disclose the date of the last update.Walls also reserves the right to suspend access to this site without prior notice.